Monday, November 21, 2011

Surviving The Holidays!

The holiday season has arrived, along with a plethora of opportunities to indulge in holiday goodies and sweets. It's a wonderful time of year! The problem is, you're going to hate yourself in January if you put on 10 pounds! How can you survive the holidays without gaining weight?

It all starts with a healthy lifestyle. If you're not getting the right amounts of macro nutrients in your diet, you're going to feel hungry, and those tables laden with holiday treats will be irresistible! You should start your day with a good breakfast that includes appropriate amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

The typical American diet is high in carbohydrates and low in protein. It's important to pay attention to the composition of the foods you're eating, and also to monitor your total caloric intake. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to burn up as many calories as you consume. Remember, "low fat" does not necessarily mean "low calorie!" Besides, it is important to have some fat in your diet.

Many of us have sedentary jobs, which makes it harder to keep fit. Consider incorporating some physical activity into your daily routine. Exercise helps increase your metabolism, which makes it easier to burn off those excess calories. And now is a good time to get started!

Personal training is a great way to jump start your fitness program or give it a boost. Having a personal trainer helps keep you motivated and focused on results. You'll also be less inclined to consume so many holiday treats.

For more ideas on ways to improve your health and fitness, please visit